пр. Юрия Гагарина, д.32, к.6Б
Пн-Пт 09:30 - 18:00, Сб 10:00 - 17:00

Kia | Hyundai

Supports reading, writing full flash (except for the Bosch bootloader area), eeprom blocks, checking and correcting the COP, without the need to open them.

18 000 

Working with 6DCT450 transmission ECU for Ford, Volvo and JLR vehicles.

10 000 

Work with Kefico and Denso ECUs of 2.5L diesel engines. (Euro 6) with SH72546 processor.

7 000 

Work with ECU on microcontrollers SH72513, SH72543 and SH72544 of diesel cars of various brands.

10 000 

Work with ECU Delphi MT38 and Delphi MT86 of Kia and Hyundai cars.

7 000 

Work with SIMK-41/43, SIM2K-47 control units used in Kia/Hyundai vehicles.

5 000 

Work with blocks EDC17C08 and EDC17CP14 of Kia and Hyundai cars with diesel engines of 1.6-2.2l, with TPROT3 protection level.

7 000 

It supports reading and writing calibrations via the K-line and writing the entire software via the CAN bus (the usual BDM format is supported, as well as the GDS format), verification and correction of checksums

5 000 

The module is designed to work with the ECU of Kia / Hyundai cars.

7 000 

The module is designed to work with the ECU of Kia / Hyundai

7 000 

Designed to work with the automatic transmission ECU installed in some Kia/Hyundai vehicles

7 000 

Module for ECU Bosch ME9/MED9/EDC7/EDC16/PSG16/TCU Bootloader Reading, writing, checking and correction of the COP is supported.

18 000 

Designed to work on a "table" with Denso ECUs using microcontrollers of the SH725xx series.

12 000 

Модули PCMFlash для австомобилей Kia,Hyundai